Wendy Stephen
Kingston City Councillor, Lakeside District
Meet Wendy
Lakeside resident
since 2010
I am fortunate to have been able to call Lakeside District my home for the past 12 years.
In 2010, my husband and I bought our first home on Evangeline Avenue, in West Park, just before the birth of our first child.
Having lived downtown, the west end of town was an exciting new place for us to explore.

Growing together
in the west end
Fast forward to 2022, now living on Shiloh Avenue, we continue to enjoy exploring our city with our three dynamic daughters, ages 12, 8 and 4.
In addition to witnessing our girls continue to grow, as teachers in the west end, it has been a delight to watch as our former students in the neighbourhood mature into young adults.
I now see students that I taught in Grade 2 driving around the district, which is both exciting and mind-boggling. The passage of time is a wonderful and strange thing.
for our wonderful district
As the Judy Garland line goes, there's no place like home. And after having lived in Lakeside, I couldn't picture living elsewhere.
With Lemoine Point, Lake Ontario, numerous playgrounds, and several little libraries all within the district, we are lucky to have natural beauty and community spaces available.
And as I think about my family's past, present, and future in Lakeside, I am grateful that our children are growing up in our district, surrounded by supportive and caring neighbours of all ages.