Wendy Stephen
Kingston City Councillor, Lakeside District
Educator / Advocate
Through working with children as an educator in our community, I have been privy to the successes and struggles of families in our city.
As the pandemic unfolded, I saw so clearly the impact of government policy on the lives of the people.
It is through equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives that we will build a more sustainable, loving, and beautiful community that is a welcome and safe place for all.

Economic & Environmental
As inflation continues to drive up prices of essential items, Kingstonians are struggling to keep up with the cost of living.
And with climbing interest rates, higher debt payments are squeezing local household budgets even further.
As a city, we must be fiscally responsible with our expenditures, to ensure our finite resources are allocated both efficiently and effectively.
At the same time, we have a duty to improve and protect our beautiful Lakeside environment, both for ourselves and for future generations.
Listening, learning, amplifying voices
From my experience in education, it is imperative to collect student & parent voice to ensure that the diverse needs of all learners in the classroom are being met.
In a similar manner, our uniquely beautiful district features a diverse range of neighbourhoods facing a variety of challenges.
As a city councillor, I believe it is essential for me to listen and learn from Lakeside residents, and advocate on their behalf.
In these challenging times, we're all doing the best we can.
Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Let’s move past the status quo and see how together we can all do better for ourselves and for each other.